Nothing like a little friendly competition to get the heart pumping!

Cyber Patriot
CyberPatriot is the one of the original competitions. It began its first season in 2009.
In 2021 it had become the largest competition of its kind in the world. Over 2000 teams in 22 countries.
The competition places students in the roll of a network administrator for a mid-sized company. They must read and understand the company policies and then implement changes to meet those policies.
Purely a defensive competition.
Competitors: Highschool and Middle school students

National Cyber League
Originally a collegiate level competition, the NCL is now available to high school students and C3 has several teams entered.
If you'd like to join us, we can give you all the training you need to be competitive amongst teams like Cal State, Michigan University, Colorado State University and many more,
This is NOT a purely defensive game and you will be required to take an ethics class before we begin.